
Healed of Autism (Aspergers)

Soul Ties

Sometimes the way we think and behave can be influenced by past relationships which we have moved on from. For example, I might do something in a certain way, which is not particularly good, because my mother likes things done that way. Yet I am now now an adult and can think for myself, so why am I doing things in a way that she would want me to do, even though she is not here to witness or benefit from it? It is because an ungodly connection still exists between me and my mother. After all, I am supposed to have left my mother to become joined to my wife.

People usually think of soul ties in the context of former lovers, but these very often exist with parents, particularly if you weren’t particularly rebellious as a teenager (a healthy process known as individuation). They can also exist with close friends, bosses, other family members or someone who has abused us.

When I deal with soul ties, I pray this prayer (or something very similar):

I confess all emotional and spiritual ungodly connections and soul ties with ……… . I forgive ……… for their part in my ungodly soul ties. I ask your forgiveness, Lord, for my sin resulting in ungodly soul ties. I renounce and break all ungodly soul ties. I release myself and ……… . I renounce and cancel the assignments of all demons associated with these ties.