
Healed of Autism (Aspergers)

Summary and Conclusions

I am expecting that you will have read one or two bits of the site and then skipped to here because there’s an awful lot there to read. So, I have put in this section a set of hot topics which will hopefully give some answers to (or generate more controversy about) questions that people are likely to have come here looking answers for.

Here is a summary of points that I have made in this web site that I consider to be important:

  • I don’t consider Autism to be a physical disease like a cold that you can catch. Nor do I consider that its cause is some sort of bodily malfunction. I take the view that its roots are spiritual and that any physical effects are as a result of that, not the other way round.
  • From a medical perspective, Aspergers Syndrome is a collection of personality traits and disorders which characterise an underlying condition, namely an impaired ability to read non-verbal communication. From a healing perspective, this is not the best way to view things, as being healed from Aspergers would imply some sort of personality transplant, which isn’t what happened with me. God doesn’t seem to work that way anyway.
  • To come to understand the healing process and come fully through, it is best to take the roots and fruits perspective, where the root it dealt with first and then the fruits are transformed. The ability to read non-verbal communication is healed first, and then the healing of the personality disorders follow. Many of the negative personality traits may fall away almost immediately, but others require a deliberate decision to change. How to actively engage with God in making those deliberate changes is what the subsequent inner healing section of this website is about.
  • I take the view that typically, autism is inherited, but the inheritance is one of spiritual curses not of physical genes, though the inheritance pattern does follow the same pattern as genetic inheritance. That being the case, generational sin needs to be dealt with as a pre-requisite, and this web site is an example of how this happens. In the UK, and possibly elsewhere, there would appear to be a strong link with Freemasonry.
  • As a model, if autism is thought of as inner deafness, then it becomes much easier to understand the resulting behaviour patterns. Parallels can be made with physical deafness.